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The technology behind the coffee cup mould

Custom coffee cup mould manufacturing factory

In the vast world of plastic products manufacturing, coffee cup mould as an indispensable part of its manufacturing process embodies the essence of modern industrial technology. From the design drawing to the finished product presentation, every link is inseparable from the support of precision manufacturing, especially the application of advanced technology such as cnc machining, edm, wire cutting, etc., which ensures the accuracy and durability of the coffee cup mould, and brings high-quality and efficient production solutions to the market.

Cnc machining: Create accurate mold profiles
Cnc machining, that is, computer numerical control machining, is one of the core technologies in modern mold manufacturing. In the manufacturing process of the coffee cup mould, the cnc machining machine can automatically and accurately complete the cutting task of complex shapes according to the pre-programmed program. Whether it is the mold cavity, core or other key components, cnc machining can ensure the accurate size and surface finish, laying a solid foundation for subsequent injection molding. Through cnc machining, the outline of the mold is more smooth, the details are more exquisite, and the appearance quality of the product is effectively improved.

Electric discharge machining (edm) : A tool to overcome difficult materials
For some difficult materials with high hardness and toughness in coffee cup moulds, traditional processing methods are often difficult to meet. At this time, edm technology will show its unique advantages. Edm can realize the fine machining of these difficult-to-machine materials through the electrocorrosion caused by pulsed discharge between the electrode and the workpiece. In the manufacturing of coffee cup moulds, edm is often used to deal with deep holes, complex surfaces and small details of the molds to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the mold structure. In addition, edm also has the characteristics of non-contact processing, which effectively avoids the mechanical stress and deformation problems that may occur during the processing.

Wire cutting: Achieve high precision and complex graphics cutting
Wire cutting technology, especially slow wire cutting and fast wire cutting, also plays an important role in the manufacture of coffee cup moulds. This technology uses wire as a tool electrode to cut the workpiece by means of discharge corrosion. Wire cutting has extremely high machining accuracy and flexibility, and can easily achieve accurate cutting of complex graphics. In the manufacture of coffee cup mould, wire cutting is often used to deal with the fine structure of the mold, precision hole positions and special shape cavity. Through the application of wire cutting technology, the manufacturing accuracy of the mold has been further improved, and it also provides more possibilities for the diversification and personalized customization of products.

Technology integration ensures mold accuracy and durability
In the precision manufacturing process of coffee cup moulds, advanced technologies such as cnc machining, edm and wire cutting do not exist in isolation, but integrate and promote each other. The organic combination of these technologies not only improves the processing efficiency and accuracy of the mold, but also greatly enhances the durability and service life of the mold. Through precise numerical control programming, fine processing technology and strict quality control, coffee cup mould can stand out in the fierce market competition, and contribute to the development of plastic products manufacturing industry.

To sum up, the precision manufacturing process of coffee cup mould is a complex process integrating a variety of advanced technologies. In this process, the application of cnc machining, edm and wire cutting technologies ensures the accuracy and durability of the mold, and provides the market with high-quality and efficient production solutions.

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Ningbo Hengqi Precision Mould Co., Ltd.