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Application of hot runner technology in plastic cup mold

Hot runner technology|Custom plastic cup mold manufacturing factory

With the rapid development of the plastics industry, the demand for plastic cups as daily necessities is increasing. In order to improve production efficiency and product quality, plastic cup mold manufacturing enterprises continue to explore new technologies. As an advanced injection molding process, hot runner technology has been widely used in the manufacture of plastic cup molds. This paper will discuss the working principle, advantages and application of hot runner technology in plastic cup mold.
How hot runner technology works
Hot runner technology is an injection molding process in which a heating system is set up inside the mold. It heats the flow path so that the plastic melt remains molten in the flow path until it enters the mold cavity. This can avoid the waste of materials and the loss of injection pressure caused by the cooling of the traditional cold runner mold, and improve production efficiency and product quality.
Advantages of hot runner technology
1. Save materials
In the traditional cold runner mold, the plastic in the runner and gate part will solidify with the cooling of the product, and this part of the plastic is usually unable to be reused, resulting in waste of materials. The hot runner technology can make the plastic in the runner always maintain a molten state, without the need for additional gates, greatly reducing the generation of waste.
2. Improve production efficiency
Because the hot runner technology can maintain the flow state of the plastic melt, it can shorten the cycle time of the mold and improve the production efficiency. This means higher output and lower costs for mass-produced plastic cups.
3. Improve product quality
Hot runner technology can provide more uniform injection pressure and more stable melt flow, which helps to reduce product defects such as shrinkage, warping, etc., thereby improving product quality.
4. Flexible mold design
Hot runner technology allows designers to arrange more complex runner systems in the mold, which can better meet the injection needs of complex products and improve the design freedom of products.
Application of hot runner technology in plastic cup mold
1. The wall thickness of the cup is uniform
The uniformity of the wall thickness of the plastic cup is very important to its quality. By precisely controlling melt flow, hot runner technology can ensure the uniformity of the wall thickness of the plastic cup and improve the strength and transparency of the cup body.
2. Reduce cycle time
The production of plastic cups often needs to be carried out at high speed and in large quantities, and hot runner technology can significantly reduce the cycle time of the mold and improve the operation efficiency of the production line.
3. Reduce production costs
By saving materials and improving production efficiency, hot runner technology helps to reduce the production cost of plastic cups, making enterprises more advantageous in the fierce market competition.
4. Improve product appearance quality
The appearance quality of plastic cups directly affects consumers' purchasing decisions. Hot runner technology can reduce the surface defects of the product, such as flow marks, bubbles, etc., and improve the appearance quality of the product.
The application of hot runner technology in plastic cup mold not only improves production efficiency and product quality, but also brings higher economic benefits to enterprises. With the continuous progress and innovation of technology, we have reason to believe that hot runner technology will play a greater role in the field of plastic cup mold manufacturing and promote the sustainable development of the plastic cup industry.

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Ningbo Hengqi Precision Mould Co., Ltd.